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made to the Indians to give each one a picture [[facts?]] on one and I am held responsible for that promise.
I have found a new way of getting at some of the [[Men-Lin-Zhie-ga i etc?]]. yesterday I had a talk with [[Bro-go-hi-ze?]], whose wife is going to give me a [[?]] and loom and asked him about the meaning of his name. I told him that a white man, believing that the abbreviation of his name [[Bro-ga?]] meant one dollar in asking for him asked for Dollar Bill, and he yellied out and had the heartiest laugh over it. he then told me the meaning of the name which I myself had not fully understood, while the name translated literally, is Chief-of-all, in reality it means, Chief-of-all-birds, (the Eagle,). He then went on and told me of the origin of the name[[Jori-non-ga-xe?]], love-maker.