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in a bliss of happiness, he may be in the throes of misery but that is his own affair and does not disturb us in the least. His relatives want a good wife for him and they think our girl would be just the one for him but they must satisfy us that the horses they are offering us for her have no mortgages fastened to their tails.

The heat is very uncomfortable but I am glad to say that I remain well. The attak that I had was quite differnt from the one I had in Washington.

The other evening as I was passing the Supt's. house in coming back to the school he called to me, inviting me to visit him. I went there and we had quite a long talk about the conditions here and he consulted with me about his various plans. He realizes the difficult situation but he is determined to help the people who through the lack of a knowledge of the English language find it hard to properly manage their business, and I like him for this as heretofore the Supts. and the assistance have been letting the whites have everything their own way in order to have things work mostly for themselves. I think this man will succeed. I hope so. 

[[signature]] F. [[/signature]]