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Pawhuska, Ok.
Oct. 9, 1912.

My dear M,

The last time I wrote you it was to tell you that I was to go to Columbus, Ohio to attend the meeting of the American Indian Society. I went and altho. I was half sick all the time I was there I attended all the meetings. I expected to see, at least, 1000 Indians but there were only 30 active members of the Society. There were "associate" members but they were all whites and are not privileged to take part in the discussions. The organization would be all right if under the right kind of leadership but if controlled by such men as Tom Sloan it is bound to go under sooner or later. It is a good thing that he is not president of the Soc. Thurman Coolidge was elected president and he is all right. He has better sense than any of them.