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Pawhuska Ok.
Nov. 21, 1912

My dear M,
Your letter came yesterday and I am very glad of your safe arrival home. I hope you will not work too hard on that big pile on your desk. Take it easy and get rested. It was right good of Dora to express disappointment at my not being able to come home Thanksgiving. Tell her I appreciate her kindness very much.

I am planning to go to Gray Horse this afternoon to be gone two or three days. Roan Horse has consented to let me have his Wa-xo-be and I told him I would come after it on my return from Nebraska. Then too there is a woman who promised to give me her sacred loom for weaving the rush mat for the wa-xo-be case. She used to make them and recite the ritual relating to the making of the 'ca or rush case. You have seen it. I have written to Mr. Hodge about a wa-xo-be that I secured from the Keeper and he wrote me telling me to hold it and as soon as there is a definite knowledge