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Pawhuska. OK.
Nov. 29. 1912

My dear M,

Your letter of the 29" came yesterday enclosing one from Mrs. Cushing. I am sorry that she is not ready to come to Washington because you need a companion. It is not good to be so entirely alone. You have Dora to take care of you but that is quite another thing. What I mean is you need someone to talk with and to be with you in a social way. I shall very shortly write to the Bureau for authority to come to Washington. The songs of the two degrees that I have secured should be transcribed and the words typewritten and I want to do the two things together, that is do the typewriting at the same time the songs are being transcribed. The transcribing of the songs will not be as hard as the Omaha and the Pawnee songs. I want you to do the work. I will not work you so hard, only half a day at a time. I shall have plenty of other work to do so shall not give all the time to the transcribing of the songs at one time.

Charley was here Monday and he says