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good comes while I am in Washington. We will also go to Harveys once in a while for a change and to give Dora a rest. We must have some pleasures. All they have here are the movies and some of them are horid. They also have singing girls but they too are horid. But as they are the only things I go to see them.

The curio man here is trying to make out that he had bought and made an advance payment on the Wa-xo-be I got from Ka-wa-xo-dse and he is going to try to contest my right to it. Ka-wa-xo-dse says that there is no truth in it at all and no one else has a right to it. His wife says so too. I think I wrote you of my getting it and of its being the most interesting one I have yet secured. I don't think this man can get it away from me but if he does he will have a hard time getting it. He has appealed to the Agent but the Agent will support me. This Wa-xo-be belonged to the wind people and it is a whistle. It seems natural that the wind people should take a whistle for their Wa-xo-be.

Now I must go and mail this. I have worked hard today transcribing some rituals of Saucy Calf that had been unsatisfactory. I have gotten at their meaning and I have transcribed them.

Ever Affly, [[signature]] F. [[/signature]]