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asking him to consume the pain in the holy fire. The cigarette must be lighted by the man or woman, at the of ashes on the side toward the head, and then presented to the officer. If the pain is in the region of the heart then the cigarette must be lighted by the fire over the heart in the fire-place, and presented to the officer sitting in the middle. Any person on either side of the lodge may come to this officer for prayers for the same trouble. Prayers for the removal of pain below the waist-line are made by the fire-tenders who sit at the feet of the symbolic man. The cigarettes must be lighted at the pile of ashes on the side toward the door. The fire and the two piles of ashes are regarded as "Wa-kon'-da-gi'," not in the sense of the magical, but in the sense of physician. They are the mediums for healing. 

When the meeting was over Mr. David Copperfield drove me here in his buggy, he said his auto was broken, and regretted that he could not get me here more speedily. Mr. Copperfield promises to tell me what he knows of the various symbols in the lodge including the staff, or the arrow as they call it. 

I must now go and mail this and then try to get the date of the building of the first meeting-house.

Mr. Bill Fletcher will come for me in his auto, either tomorrow or the day after. Until then I shall not be able to get your letters. I hope you continue to get better. Take good care of yourself. Love to the Parsons.

Affly, F