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At Lucys.
Aug. 29, 1918

My dear M,

In my haste to get ready to come down here I forgot to put in my valisse some necessary articles, among them writing paper and so you will notice the peculiar paper I am writing on. I arrived safely at Walthill and as soon as I got off the train a number of Osages came to greet me. They were very glad to see me. They were waiting in town for some laggards. All came in autos. As soon as we had exchanged greetings, a woman in an auto with a young man beconed to me and it was Jacob Parker's daughter. She said she was about to drive in and she offered me a seat in her auto. They drove me to the camp at Macy and as Lucy had not yet arrived Parker entertained me. I was most cordially received by the the early arrivals at camp. In the evening Jacob drove me to Lucy's and here I am. I had a comfortable night.- cool & pleasant. This morning Jacob came over for water & he came in to tell me 27 Osages had arrived and at his advice they were distributed among the families who had