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and asked me to say it was his gift to the Red Cross. This was followed by an Osage woman with another ten dollar bill, and as I lifted up the gift I made a complimentary remark about her generosity. Bacon Rind then arose and made a short address to the Omaha audience, in which he said that if the Osages had known that the Omahas were going to include the Red Cross in their exercises they would have brought more money with them. He said many of their sons also were on their way to France.

There is much that I can tell you about this celebration but as Lusette is going soon to Macy I must close and give the letter to her to mail.

The Osage came the same day I came and they went to the camp right away. There were about 20 of them. They were greatly delighted with their visit and with the manner in which the Omahas received and entertained them. They went home with many presents. I made some. And I received some from some of the Omahas. The Osage said, "Now we really know who you are."

[[signature]] F [[/signature]]