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I shall take the forenoon to do this kind of work. It is too hard to keep at it so steadily. My eye is much better and that is quite a relief.

I spent all of Saturday taking this ritual and transcribing a part of it. I spent the night here alone with a soldier boy. The Bonnicastles went to a meeting at a Fred Lookouts. At ten in the morning I went to the meeting. I was asked to go and so I went right in. I almost broke the meeting as the members stopped to give me a greeting of handshaking. First my sins had to be brushed off into the sacred fire. It took about four men and a woman to brush me clean, then the handshaking began. It was all pleasant excepting the sitting so long on the ground. The people were very glad to see me. Some were from Gray-Horse.

I returned here with the Bonnicastles at about 3 in the afternoon. At 6 I went to dine with the Springers. I stayed all night there. The dinner invitation included a bath which was most welcome. I took my dirty (soiled) clothes to the landry in the morning, came back here and worked till 2, when I finished 3 cylinders.

My stay here is very pleasant, but I shall hurry as fast as I can in order to get home soon.

I hope all goes well with you and that your health continues to get better.

[[signature]] F. [[/signature]]