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four days from the time he was taken down with it.  It was very good of you to write to Lucy.  It must be very hard for her.

As to our appointment with Dr. Guthrie, I wrote you as to what we should do, and by this time you have my letter.  I don't know when old Shin'-ge-mon-in will get well and come back here but I must wait a few days longer as this may be the last chance I shall have to get his story of the descent and of the adoption of ceremonial symbols by his gens.  I must also secure some short myths from Ben Harrison.  He seems to be the only one who can remember them.  All the Indian lore seems to be disappearing rapidly under the influence of the European and Asiatic religion.  The racial physical characteristics also are fast going.  Whites as well as Indians are dissipated, and if it were not for the peculiar religion the Indians practice they would be overwhelmed and nothing could save them.  The young people throw conventions to the winds and they do things that are not altogether right in a "dare-devil" sort of way.

The Bonnicastles are good to me and try to make me comfortable and I am.  He and I discuss Osage matters and I think he sees clearly the difficulties that lay before them.  Lack of concerted action is going to ruin them, by giving to scheming men the chance to rob them.  The mixed bloods and educated Indians are not much better in this respect than the full-bloods.  The Indian office also stands in their way, and the future looks pretty dim for them.

I am glad you are well and I hope you will continue to be well.

[[signature]] F. [[/signature]]