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October 1, 1962

Dear Mr. Meissner:

How good of you to have so promptly sent me a photograph of your painting by Bovin with the indication of your best price.

As attractive as I find this stilllife, I do not feel inclined to purchase it at present, in view of other commitments. However, if you allow me to do so, I would like to keep the photograph in my file for the time being.

May I ass ume that you have gone into the matter of the sculpture of which I sent you a photostat in my letter of September 17 and that shortly I shall hear from you in this respect.

With renewed thanks for your courtesy and with best greetings,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Kurt Meissner
Florastrasse 1
Zurich, Switzerland

^[[underline]] [[Meissner]] [[/underline]]