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New York 22

October 20, 1962

Dear Mr. Meissner:

It was very good of you to have so promptly followed up the matter of the wood statue of St. John and let me thank you for your lines of October 17 and for the photostat of the sculpture I am glad to have back.

I am, of course, disappointed to hear of Mrs. Bodner's decision to refuse to part with it. But, as we know, people change their minds and what is true one day, might not be any longer so a few hours later.

You were kind enough to call my attention to a painting by Nicolas Vleughels to be auctioned in November. I apreciate this indeed, but being on cardboard and so very small, precludes, I am afraid, my being interested in it.

However, let me repeat that I am glad to know you are bearing me in mind, not only as regards French paintings of the XVIIth Century, but also as to sculptures of the highest quality and especially in marble or bronze.

With best greetings,

Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman

Mr. Kurt Meissner
Florastrasse 1
Zurich, Switzerland
