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[[image - black & white photograph of Joseph "Sleepy" Lewis]]
[[caption]] JOSEPH "SLEEPY" LEWIS - Catcher [[/caption]]

Joe Lewis is one of the original Baltimore Black Sox that started the club in the Monumental City. Joe put in five seasons with the dark-hosed crew for gold and glory and was signed by Ben Taylor for the Washington Potomac's in 1923.  However, the same season he finished up with the Homestead Grays in Pittsburg and in the spring of the present season was signed by the Hilldale club. Joe started out as a third baseman, but shifted behind the bat and has been playing that position throughout his professional career. Joe is a competent receiver and a good hitter. Sparrow's Point, Md. is where Joe received his first training from Ma Lewis and 28 years have rolled around since Joe made his bow to the household.

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[[image - black & white photograph of Jesse "Nimp" Winters]]
[[caption]] JESSE "NIMP" WINTERS - Pitcher [[/caption]]

Winters is the only southpaw on the Hilldale pitching staff and also enjoys the distinction of being the leading pitcher of the Eastern Colored League in 1923. Winters received his first experience on the sand lots of Washington, D.C. with the LeDroit Tigers. Chappie Johnson grabbed him in 1919 as a member of the Norfolk Stars. The following year he went to the Bacharach Giants and to the Philadelphia and Harrisburg Giants in turn. In 1923 he signed with Hilldale. Winters throws and bats left handed and one of his eccentric traits is that he never wears a toe plate, which is customary for all pitchers. Jesse was born in Washington, D.C. and is 25 years old.