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[[image - black & white photograph; profile of Holsey Lee in uniform with Hilldale on front, posed as if throwing ball with right arm, glove in left]]
[[caption]] HOLSEY S. "SCRIPT" LEE-Pitcher [[/caption]]

Chappie Johnson figured in the development of Script Lee, who came out with the Norfolk Stars in 1920, but Lee has acquired quite a bit of baseball experience with the 1st Separate, N. G. Co. B., from Washington, D. C., when he was a member of that outfit. Script also played with the Philadelphia Stars and joined Hilldale in 1923. The freak underhand delivery adopted by Lee is the secret of his success as a pitcher. Script also is a good hitter and fields his position well. He pitches and bats right handed, is 23 years old and was born in Washington, D.C.


Clint Thomas is one of the fastest men playing the outfield in colored ranks and has developed within a remarkably short time, playing his first professional engagement with the Brooklyn Royal Giants under John Henry Lloyd, in 1920, as a second baseman. Thomas joined the now defunct Columbus Buckeyes in 1921. In 1922 he moved to the Detroit Stars and was shifted from second base to the outfield. In 1923 he was signed by Hilldale and has been a fixture in the outfield of Bolden's club since his return East. Thomas bats and throws right handed, is a very fast base runner and one of the hardest hitters on the Hilldale team. Clinton first saw the light of day in Columbus, Ohio, and is now 26 years old.

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Just a ball player is a very concise manner of describing the baseball ability of George Carr, general all around man of the Hilldale team. George has played six different positions since joining the Hilldale team and filled them all in a manner creditable to a regular. Carr, who is the wonder boy from the Pacific slope, started out grabbing nickels with the Los Angles White Sox in 1912. He stuck around the land of red wood and oranges until 1920 when he was induced to cast his lot with the Kansas City Monarchs. In 1923 he came East and joined the Hilldale club. George, who tips the beam well over 200 lbs., is without a doubt the fastest big man among the colored players. He throws right handed and hits from both sides of the plate. Father Time will toll off his 29th years when he cuts his next birthday cake.


Another member of the Hilldale team from the land of "long horns" is George Johnson, whose home is in San Marcos, Texas. George broke in with the Ft. Worth Wonders in 1909. He left the lone star state in 1912 and played with the Kansas City Giants. From there he went to the Brooklyn Royal Giants and joined the Hilldale team in 1918. George started out as a pitcher but was shifted to the outfield. The ability of George to cover plenty of ground in the middle garden has caused him to be a fixture at that position during his seven year stay with Bolden's team. George broke his left leg sliding into third base the first season that he was with Hilldale, but the injury failed to slow him up in the least. George is 36 years old.


Campbell is the infant member of the Hilldale squad, having joined the team the latter part of the present season. Ben Taylor started Campbell on his professional career with the Washington Potomacs in 1923. In 1924 he started out with the Philadelphia Giants and when that club floundered he secured a berth with the Hilldale champions. Campbell pitches and bats right handed, is 28 years old and hails from Boston, Mass.


[[image - black & white photograph of head shot of Joseph]]

[[image - black & white photograph of head shot of Hawkins]] 

[[image - black & white photograph of head shot of McNair]]