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(Dedicated to the Hilldale Club--1924)


We all are deep dyed
With that old civic pride,
When a product is stamped as home-grown;
We'll swear by a stack,
We've th' best apple-jack,
And our soil it's th' world's richest loam.

But listen here, bo,
And 'tis no tale of woe,
We've a weakness for imported skates;
For here in Kendrick's domain,
We've got a guy grabbing fame;
A legend I now will relate.

A full-grown gazobo,
Was Phil Cockrell, you know,
Ere he peeped up at old Billy Penn;
Now, then at Augusta, Ga.,
Is where Phil first saw th' day,
But Quaker fans say "he's now one of them."

Allen is another from that Cotton State,
Where Sherman's pilgrimage made rebels abate.
While Mackey, George Johnson and Louis Santop,
Have all wandered here from Sam Houston's plot;
For Texas produced these three knights of swat.
That fair Philadelphia's been proud to adopt.

Along with a many thousand more.
Maryland's far-famed Eastern Shore,
Turned out "Judy" of Johnson fame;
Clint Thomas, Joe Lewis and Merven th' red,
And all of th' others are foreign-bred,
But they're ours, Philadelphians acclaim.

Sure, he may come from Walla Walla,
Or hail from Possum Hollow,
And to him League Island is unknown;
But we'll rear up just th' same,
And reverberate his name,
If he's plugging for th' town we call our own.

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For Championship of Colored Baseball Clubs

Hilldale versus Kansas City

Philadelphia.....October 3rd, 4th
Baltimore.....October 5th
Kansas City.....October 11th, 12th and 13th
Chicago.....October 15th and 16th

(Series to be the best out of nine games)

Starting time for all of the series games, 2 P.M.