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skins of the bronzed Grackle (Quiscalus aenêus), from Warner, Tenn., important as showing that this form and not Q. quiscala breeds in that section ([[underline]]Gift. [[/underline]]).

[[check mark]] From [[underline]] C.J Cooke [[/underline]], Salem, Oregon. - A pair of Steller's Jay ([[underline]] Cyanocitta stelleri[[/underline]]), from Salem, Oregon; parents of nest and eggs purchased for oölogical collection. ([[underline]]Gift. [[/underline]])

[[check mark]] From [[underline]] R.E. Williams,.........Montana.
A pair of Western Flycatcher ([[underline]]Empidonax difficilis [[/underline]]), from Belt River Cañon, Montana; parents of nest and eggs purchased for oölogical collection.([[underline]]Gift. [[/underline]])

[[check mark]] From [[underline]]  National Zoological Park, [[/underline]] Washington D.C. - Three specimens (in flesh) of Scarlet Ibis ([[underline]] Guara rubra [[/underline]]), from ......([[underline]]Gift. [[/underline]])