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[[check mark]]
From [[underline]] Leverett M. Loomis [[/underline]], American Museum of Natural History, New York City. - 9 specimens Mountain Solitary Vireo ([[underline]] Vireo solitarius alticola [[/underline]], from Cæsar's Head, South Carolina ([[underline]] Gift) [[/underline]] 

[[check mark]]From the [[underline]] American Museum of Natural History, [[/underline]] New York City. - 91 specimens (31 species) from Chapada Matto Grosso, Brazil. (7 species new to the collection.) ([[underline]]Exchange.[[/underline]])

From [[underline]] Fred Sauters, [[/underline]] New York City. - 6 specimens (6 species) humming-birds from Ecuador. ([[underline]]Purchased  [[/underline]] for World's Fair exhibit.)

Transcription Notes:
all specimen & place names verified - nwm