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9 specimens, 6 species from Illinois. (In exchange for publications.) From [[underlined]] A. Boncard, [[/underlined]] London, England. - Three specimens, same number of species, Birds of Paradise, from New Guinea. (Purchased for World's Fair exhibit.) From [[underlined]] T. Belding, [[/underlined]] Stockton, Cal. - one specimen Blue Goose ( [[underlined]] Chen caerulescens [[/underlined]] ), from California. (Gift.) From [[underlined]] R. C. Stuart, [[/underlined]] Tampa, Florida. - one male Ivory-billed Woodpecker ( [[underlined]] Campephilus principalis [[/underlined]] ). (Purchased for World's Fair exhibit.) From [[underlined]] James C. Carter, [[/underlined]] New York City - Two specimen of the American Merganser ( [[underlined]] Merganser americanus [[/underlined]] ), in the flesh,