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3 from Chesapeake Bay (Gift). [[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] [[T. C.?]] Mendenhall [[/underlined]], Superintendant U.S. Coast Survey - 13 specimens (same number of species, from Alaska. [[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] F. H. Hitchcock, [[/underlined]] Department of Agriculture - one specimen Red-tailed Hawk ([[underlined]] Buteo borealis [[/underlined]]), 2 American Sparrow Hawks ([[underlined]] Falco sparverius [[/underlined]]), and 1 Meadowlark ([[underlined]] Sturnella magna [[/underlined]]), in the flesh, from Sandy Spring, Md. (Gift; 3 accessions.) 25463 [[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] Ralph H. Norton, [[/underlined]] Westbrook, Maine. - 7 specimens Red and White-winged Cross-bills ([[underlined]] Loxia curvirostra minor [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] L. leucoptera [[/underlined]]), from Westbrook, Maine. (Exchange for publications.)