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copied 9-15-92 Report on the Department of Birds in the U.S. [[underlined]] National [[/underlined]] Museum, 1892. By [[underlined]] Robert Ridgway, Curator. [[/underlined]] Caps [[strikethrough 1. [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] General Review of the Year's Work [[/underlined]] In addition to the regular routine work of the Department, which of itself is too complicated to admit of specific description, the following special work was accomplished during the year. It may be premised that all such work has been done at irregular intervals, or only when time could be spared from the more exacting duties of the Curator :- The working up of a collection of birds from Honduras and another from Costa Rica was completed during July, and the results turned in to the editor of the "Proceedings" for publication. Considerable work was also done, [[strikethrough]] on, [[/strikethrough]] as opportunity occurred, on a revision of the genera [[underlined]] Sittasomus [[/underlined]] and [[underlined]] Formicarius, [[/underlined]]