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18 From [[underline]] National Zoological Park [[/underline]], Washington, D.C. - Three specimens (in flesh) of Scarlet Ibis ([[underline]] Gnara rubra [[/underline]]), from ... (Gift.) From [[underline]] Ralph N. Norton [[/underline]], Westbrook, Maine. - 7 specimens Red and White-winged Cross bills ([[underline]] Loxia curvirostra minor [[/underline]] and [[underline]] L. leucoptera [[/underline]]), from Westbrook, Maine. (Exchange for publications.) From [[underline]] J.T. Park [[/underline]], Warner, Tenn. - Four skins of the Bronzed Grackle ([[underline]] Quiscalus aeneus [[/underline]]), from Warner, Tenn., important as showing that this form and not Q. quiscula breeds in that section. (Gift.) From [[underline]] A.H. Parker [[/underline]], Westbrook, Maine. - 4 specimens, 3 species, from Goshen and Westbrook, Maine. (Exchange
Transcription Notes:
species names verified