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Bu. R. F. & A. L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr.
Raleigh. N. C. Oct. 31" 67

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Lieut Wm U
Asst [[?]] Asst Commr
Jefferson N. C.


In reply to your communications Jos. Brewer[wild guess]] et al, committee at Jefferson N. C. asking for donation for charitable purchases and at the request of the Committee for the distribution of the "Boston Fund", I herewith transmit one hundred dollars, on account of said fund. You will please cause the enclosed receipts to be signed by the Committee, and returned to me.

Very Respy
Your ob't Svt.
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur. [[/signature]]
Bvt Gen Col & A A A G

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[[preprinted]] 55 [[/preprinted]]

Bu. R. F. & A. L. 
Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr. N. C.
Raleigh. N. C. Dec 5 1867.

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Lieut. T. D.
Sub Asst. Comr
Charlotte, N. C.


By direction of the Asst Commr I herewith transmit check on Raleigh National Bank for Twenty Five ($25.) Dollars being a portion of the "Boston Fund" and which you are requested to use as follows:

Marian Learense[[guess]]  $ 15.00
Mrs. [[?]]ean Fowler        10.00  $25.00
The former lives about five miles from Monroe Union Co - is affected with a cancer which she desires to have removed and has been directed to apply to you. The latter lives at Monroe, Union Co. Please sign enclosed receipts and return them to this office.

Very Resp'y
Your ob't Svt.
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur. [[/signature]]
Bvt Lieut. Col. A A A G.

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