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Wilbur Wright
Orville Wright

Wright Brothers
1127 West Third Street
Dayton, Ohio

Cable Address: 
Wrights, Dayton

Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1909.

Mr. Ralph H. Upson,
Glen Ridge, N. J.

Dear Sir:-

In his rush to get off to Europe brother Orville turned over to me a vast lot of correspondence to answer. We wish to [[strikethrough]] tha [[/strikethrough]]  thank you for the suggestions and the interest you are taking in the subject. Your conclusions that the propellor shafts should be placed as near on a line with the center of gravity as possible is undoubtably sound and we have placed the center of gravity as high as it is possible to do so.without seriously sacrificing the structural strength of the machine. We think however that you are mistaken in your observations as to the machine first starting upwards, then losing headway and finally plunging downwards, when [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough] the propellors are stopped. The tendency is for the machine to turn upwards more and [[strikethrough]] moere [[/strikethrough]] more as the machine loses speed. 

Again thanking you for your interest in the success of our flyer, I am, 

Very truly yours,

Wilbur Wright