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1-  Notes on Mouillard  

by Wilbur Wright
W.J.H. [[circled]]

In the book "L'Empire d l'Air" referred to in your answer to [[strikethrough]] X2[[/strikethrough]] X.2.84 the [[strikethrough]]  book [[/strikethrough]] one published by the Smithsonian Institution 

[[strikethrough]] Does your answer refer to the French only or to the English [[strikethrough]]translation [[/strikethrough]] edition also. [[/strikethrough]]

Do your answers refer to the French edition or to the Smithsonian edition. 

Notes on Maxim

The actual machines constructed by Maxim did not have rudders vertical. He intended to steer by varying the speed of the right & left propellers.
[[from Notes to the end this section has a large X over it]]

Transcription Notes:'Empire%20de%20l'Air&f=false