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OF U. S. A.

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To the Editor:

Dear Sir:

At the Aeronautic Congress in Detroit last October the National Aeronautic Association of U. S. A. was organized. Delegates from all parts of the country to the number of 350 were present. The New England states were represented by ten delegates and the Pacific coast states by eleven; which indicates the nation-wide character of both interest and representation. Prior to the time of the formation of this Association there was no organization in America which adequately represented the aeronautic interests of our country as a whole.  Many of the larger  cities had aero clubs; but none of these was free from local interests.

The National Aeronautic Association of U. S. A. was founded to foster, encourage and advance the science of aeronautics and all kindred and allied sciences, and to organize into a patriotic body "without capital stock and not for profit" the national sentiment supporting a comprehensive, definite and orderly commercial and military-naval aeronautic program.  It is well recognized that the security of our country depends upon an air program that shall keep abreast of our economic and national activities.

A nation-wide campaign for membership is to be inaugurated during the coming month of May.  We feel confident you will do all you can to help in this campaign so that the National Aeronautic Association, through your support, may fulfill its promise to promote aviation, a branch of science of vital importance to the national security and welfare.

This Association is controlled by no financial or commercial interests.  It represents the aeronautical interests of our people as a whole.  I would not feel free to ask your support to this organization, if this were not so.  I myself have no financial interests whatever in the industry, not even in the companies which bear my name.

Any support that you may give to this movement will be greatly appreciated, not only by myself, but by all who realize the importance of aeronautics in our national progress.  

Very truly yours,

[[signed]] Orville Wright [[/signed]] 

March 20, 1923 .