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December 30, 1937.

Mr. Ernest Jones, Secretary,
The Early Birds,
3 East 27th Street,
New York, New York.

Dear Mr. Jones:

I think I understand your feelings with regard to the scroll presented to me by the "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom". However, I think there is less cause for uneasiness than you thought.

I didn't understand what connection Wild, Post,and Colonel Hartney had with the Women's organization. But I didn't understand that the scroll was a joint presentation from the "Women's International League for Peace and Freedom" and some other organization. I had not connected the Early Birds with it.

Upon receipt of your letter I got out the scroll and examined it more carefully than I had done before. I discovered the Early Bird insignia at the top of the scroll; but it was not conspicuous, being surrounded by aeroplanes and the word "Peace" on a much larger scale. In the text there is no reference whatever to the Early Birds.

The scroll is signed by Mrs. Portia Willis Berg, Augustus Post, Horace B. Wild, Eva Ingersoll Wakefield, J. Burton Underwood, Harold E. Hartney, and Mrs. Florentine Sholle Sutro, Chairman, Manhattan Division, W.I.L.

There was nothing after the names of the men to indicate any connection with the Early Birds. Mrs. Sutro's being the only one whose official position was designated.

Wishing you a Prosperous and Happy New Year,

Sincerely yours,
[[signed]] Orville Wright [[/signed]]