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^[[Copy of letter from Mr. Wright]]

May 2, 1945

Mr. W. B. Brummitt
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, New York

Dear Mr. Brummitt:

Your letter of April 30th inquiring as to the accuracy of the story that I made photographs from a plane in flight at the flying ground at Simms Station in 1905 is received.  I assure you there is no truth whatever in the story.

I have several photographs taken in the air over Simms Station in 1912 from a Wright Model "A".  I do not know who the pilot was in this case, but I suspect it was William Kabitzki.  The photograph was taken by the passenger.

In so far as I know the first photographs ever taken from an aeroplane in flight were moving pictures taken at the Centocelli military field near Rome in April, 1909.  My brother Wilbur took up a Universal cameraman on the day the King of Italy visited our field.

Sincerely yours,

^[[ (Orville Wright) ]]