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     Dinner in honor of Orville Wright at the Engineers' Club, Boston, Mass., June 12 1916, as part of the ceremonies of dedicating the new building of the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. (For account, see "Aerial Age," Vol. 3, July, 1916.)

     Seated – left to right: (1) John Ritchie Jr., M.T.T., Publicity; (2) Mr. C. P. Page, Van Blerk Motor Co.; (3) Prof. Arthur E. Kennelly, Prof. of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T.; (4) Prof. E. B. Willson Prof., of mathematics, M.I.T.; (5) Mr. Philip J. Roosevelt; (6) Mr. James P. Monroe, Secretary of the Corporation, M.I.T.; (7) Mr. Godfrey L. ^[[underline]]Cabot[[/underline]], President, Aero Club of New England; (8) Mr. Paul W. ^[[underline]]Litchfield[[/underline]], Pres., Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company; (9) Prof. Byerly, Mathematician, Harvard University; (10) Rear Admiral Wasgington Lee Capps, Chief Constructor, U. S. Navy; (11) Mr. Orville ^[[underline]]Wright[[/underline]]; (13) Dr. Alexander Graham Bell; (14) Mr. Edward M. Hagar, President. Wright-Martin Co.

     Standing – left to right: (1) Mr. J. H. Barbazette, Wright-Martin Co.; (2) Lester D. Gardner, Publisher, Aviation Magazine; (3) Mr. Roy Knabenshue; (4) Prof. J. C. Riley, M.I.T.; (5) Mr. Rarymong Ware, Thomas Motor Co.; (6) Mr. Thomas Huff, Instructor in Aeronautical Engineering, M.I.T.; (7) Mr. Alan R. Hawley, Pres. Aero Club of America; (8) Mr. Glenn L. Martin, Martin Aeroplane Company; (9) Mr. Oscar Brindley, Holder of the Curtiss Marine Flying Trophy; (10) Prof. R. W. Willson, Harvard University; (11) Prof. A. G. Webster, Professor of Physics, Clark University; (12) Dr. J. D. Hunsaker, Assistant Naval Constructor, U. S. Navy; ^[[underline]](13) James Means, Pub. of Aeronautical Annual, 1896-99;[[/underline]] (14) Mr. A. Klemin, Instructor in Aeronautical Engineering, M.I.T.