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[[preprinted]]FIELD REPORT[[/preprinted]]

^[[2nd Day]]
[[preprinted]]Date[[/preprinted]] May 12 '10.

[[9 column table]]
[[preprinted]]Mach. No. | Operator | Passenger | Time of Flight ^[[P.M.]] | Wind Dircn. | Wind Vlcty | Length of Flight Time | Length of Flight Dist. | Remarks
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| #2 | O. Wright | — | 4:26 |   |   | 12:50 |   |   |     
| #2 | O. Wright | — | 5:01 |   |   | 14:30 |   |   |   
| #2 | O. Wright |   | 5:31 |   |   | 15:00 |   |   |   
| #2 | O. Wright | Welch | 5:59 |   |   | 15:30 |   |   | #2 | O. Wright | Welch | 6:29 |   |   | 8:30 |   |   |  

[[preprinted]]Gasoline used[[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]]Oil used[[/preprinted]] 
[[preprinted]]Signed[[/preprinted]] F. T. Coffyn

^[[Welch at 24:00]] 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-03-22 20:28:37 I noticed this in your "Example" for how to do the tables for this project. There was so much wrong on this page, I reopened it.