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  ^[[A.M.]]      Date ^[[June 7,10]]

[[9 column table]]

Mach. No. | Operator | ]Passenger] | Time of Flight | Wind Dircn. | Wind Vlcty | Length of Flight Time | Length of Flight Dist. | Remarks

#3 | Brookins | Johnstone | 5:52| Light [[over two columns]] | 1:13 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #3]] | " [[ditto for Brookins]] | Hoxsey | 6:10 | " [[ditto for Light]] | 6:17 |   |
" [[ditto for #3]] | " [[ditto for Brookins]] | Johnstone | 6:48 | N | " [[ditto for Light]] | 12:50 |   || Spark plugs looked over |
|   ||   ||   | P.M.|   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
" [[ditto for #3]] | " [[ditto for Brookins]]| Coffyn | 2:50 | gusty [[over two columns]] | 5:02 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #3]] | " [[ditto for Brookins]] | Hoxsey | 4:15 |   ||   || 14:08 |   ||   |
#2 | O. Wright | — | 4:25 |   ||   || 2[[1?]]:00 |   || 2,000 ft high Descending 2:59 Shut off motor. 1:45 |
#3. | Brookins | Hoxsey | 5:07 |   ||   || 15:20 |   ||{Found 1 tooth out of magneto gear. |
#2 | O. Wright | LaChappelle | 5:14 |   ||   || 16:38 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #2]] | " [[ditto for O. Wright]] | " [[ditto for La Chappelle]]| 5:48 |   ||   || 15:20 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #2]] | " [[ditto for O.Wright]] | Welch | 6:30 |   ||   || 7:18 |   || Bad landing, front cross piece broke |
" [[ditto for #2]] | " [[ditto for O.Wright]] | LaChappelle | 6:58 |   ||   || 3:35 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #2]] | " [[ditto for O.Wright]] | " [[ditto for LaChappelle]] | 7:10 |   ||   || 3:26 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #2 | " [[ditto for O.Wright]] | " [[ditto for La Chappelle]] | 7:20 |   ||   || 3:02 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #2]] | Brookins | Johnstone | 7:37 |   ||   || 12:03 |   ||   |
" [[ditto for #2]] | " [[ditto for Brookins]]
| Coffyn | 7:45 |   ||   || 7:00 |   ||   |

[[table inserted in last column]]

Tune up. | no. times

Brookins 1:13:53 | 8 " [[ditto for times]] |
Hoxsey 35:45 | 3 " [[ditto for times]] |
Johnson 25:06 | 3 " [[ditto for times]] |
LaChappelle 42:01 | 5 " [[ditto for times]] |
Coffyn 12:02 | 2 " [[ditto for times]] |
Welch  7:18 | 1 " [[ditto for times]] |
[[end table]]

Gasoline used ^[[#3 - 5 gal @ 6:P.M., #2  5 " [[ditto for gal]] @ 6:15]]

Oil used [[#3]] ^[[1 qt @ 6:30 A.M., [[#2]] 1 qt @ 7:30]]

#3 - 1 measure 5:30 AM
#2 - 4 measures at 10:30 AM
" [[ditto for: #3  [[?3]] " [[ditto for : measures]] [[?]]

Signed ^[[F. T. Coffyn]]

Transcription Notes:
Last line off the page.