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Date ^[[Mch 26, 1917.]]

[[9 column table]]

Mach. No. | Operator | ]Passenger] | Time of Flight | Wind Dircn. | Wind Vlcty | Length of Flight Time | Length of Flight Dist. | Remarks

169 | Bjorkland | Coffyn | 10:15 AM. | E. | 15 | 20 mins |   || First trip in tractor machine & first time I flew Dep control. |
Curtis J.N. 4 up to 2,3000 ft.
Mch. 2. 17
176 | Acosta | Coffyn | AM 11:20 | 1,200 ft | | 25 | " [[ditto for mins]] |    || Flew in Pilots Seat and did it all but getting off in a gusty wind Made good landing. |
|   ||   || April |   ||   ||   ||   ||   | 
|   ||   || [[strikethrough]] Mch. [[/strikethrough]] .4 |   ||   ||   ||   || Up to 1,500 ft made one take off & 2 landings.
|   || Doc Allen | " [[ditto for April]] | A.M. 10:00 |   ||   || 20 | min |   | 
173 | Barney | " [[ditto for April]] | 11:00 |   ||   || 23 | " [[ditto for min]] | 3 take offs & 4 landings |
176 | Acoste | " [[ditto for April]] | P.M. 2:00 |   ||   || 15 |   || 2 " " [[dittos for take offs &]] 3 " [[ditto for landings]] |
|   ||   || [[strikethrough]] Mch. [[/strikethrough]] April 6. |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   | 
169 | Allen | " [[ditto for April. 6.]] | PM 11:30 |   ||   || 30 | " [[ditto for min]] | 3 take offs & 4 landings which were good. |
|   ||   || April 12 |   ||   ||   ||   ||   | 
|   || Barnes |   || 10:15 |   || 20. |   ||   || Passenger with Barnes 1,700 ft |
167 | Acosta | " [[ditto for April 12]] | P.M 4:00 |   ||   || 15 | " [[ditto for min]] | Fairly good work |
|   ||   || " [[ditto for April]] 13 | 4:30 |   ||   || 20 | " [[ditto for min]] | Felt result more at home with Dep and did better | 
|   ||   || Apl. 17. |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
168 | " [[ditto for Acosta]] | " [[ditto for Apl. 17.]] | 9:40 |   ||   || 40 |" [[ditto for min]] |   |
" [[ditto for 168]] | — | " [[ditto for Apl. 17.]] | 10:20 |   ||   || 11 | " [[ditto for min]] | First time alone with Dep Control. |
Gasoline used [[line]]
Oil used [[line]]
Signed ^[[Frank Coffyn]]
^[[ [[line]] 199 3 hrs. 19 min]]