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Desertion of wives by their husbands and of husbands by their wives are frequent throughout this Sub-Div.

Suggestions for the Future 

I sincerely believe, that nearly every white man in the Counties of Warren, Franklin & Granville, who was a "Secessionist" when Johnson surrendered, is one at this day, and if the U.S. Troops should be withdrawn from this State at this time, leaving the great body of magistrates unchanged and the County Courts not reconstructed, the future of the Freedmen would be dark indeed.

If the Freedmen shall be properly protected in their rights, if they can be sure of obtaining substantial justice from Courts and magistrates, and if, on the other hand, they can be taught the necessity of complying strictly with their engagements, they will eventually become contented & useful citizens.

I would respectfully recommend that for the present the Bureau officer have power to settle all cases between Whites and Freedmen, arising on Breaches of Contract, Non Payment of wages &c.  In a Bureau Court such matters can be settled with little delay & no cost to the Freedmen, while before a magistrate their remedy is uncertain and in the higher courts it is too