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SEMI-MONTHLY REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FREEDMEN, AND THE OPERATIONS OF THE FREEDMEN'S BUREAU, in the ^[[District]] of ^[[West North Carolina-]] , Commanded by ^[[Col. Jasper Packard.]] .

| 1 DATE. ^[[1865]] | 2 STATION. | 3 OFFICER IN CHARGE. | 4 No. of Men. | 5 No. of Women. | 6 No. of Children. | 7 Aggregate. | 8 Aggregate last report. | 9 GAIN. By Birth. | 10 GAIN. Received. | 11 LOSS. Discharged. | 12 LOSS. By Death. | 13 TOTAL GAIN. | 14 TOTAL LOSS. | 15 Total No. of Rations issued. | 16 No. of persons for whom Contracts have been made since last report. | 17 Average rate of wages since last report - as per Contract. Males. | 18 Average rate of wages since last report - as per Contract. FemaleS. | 19 Average prices for which Contracts are made. | 20 No. of Farms (Abandoned Lands,) worked by Freedmen. | 21 Aggregate No. of Acres. | 22 No. of Town Lots in possession of Bureau. | 23 Aggregate rents received per month or as per Contract, for Lots or Buildings. | 24 REMARKS. (SEE NOTES 1 AND 2.) |
| Nov 30- | Charlotte | J. C. Barnitt Capt 128' [[?]]. | 43 | 59 | 106 | 208 | 312 | √ | 6 | 108 | 2 | 6 | 110 | 1000 | 42 | $8. | $6 | 1/4 to 1/3 of the crop | √ | √ | √ | √ | Freedmen are beginning to look for homes & to make contracts for the next year. many are renting lands on liberal terms.  The Planters, as a rule, offer fair prices for the next year.  The Citizens are anxious to have orphan children bound to them, & many orphans have been bound - with an agreement that they be paid from $20. to $200. per coming of age - according to their age, sex- & capacity.

I anticipate much confusion & trouble about the Holidays when the negroes expect to change homes.  Many of them have exaggerated ideas of what will be done for them, on Christmas.  Some believing that farms are to be divided among them - others expecting to be furnished transportation at will over all rail roads for six (6) months.  The better part of them, however, know they must work, in order to live, & are endeavoring, nearly always with success, to see [[ne?]] contracts & labor for the next year-

Supplies will be needed for the use of the Destitute, in camp - during the winter, such as clothing & Hospital Hires-

The camps at Greensboro, Salisbury & Charlotte have been entirely remodelled, & comfortable quarters will be provided for the destitute, large & commodious buildings having been turned over by the Military Authorities for that purpose-

It will be noticed that the number of persons in the three camps in this District have been reduced from 786 to 450, & the number of rations issued from 10031 to 3310.-

But one case of violence has been reported since the last return & that was amicably settled after a full hearing.

The temper of the Planters & whites generally toward the negroes - seems to be good & forbearing - The blacks are in some cases influenced to be idle & to steal by the poor whites, who appear to be trying to sow dissensions between the races - they themselves being recognized as belonging to neither.  |

| Nov 30- | Salisbury | Gen H W Wells. Asst & AQM | 4 | 28 | 50 | 82 | 109 | √ | 23 | 47 | 3 | 23 | 50 | 832 | 20 | $10. | $7. | 1/4 to 1/3 of the crop | √ | √ | √ | √ | [[see column 24 above for text]] |

| Nov 30- | Greensboro | Asa Teal | 6 | 30 | 124 | 160 | 365 | √ | √ | 205 | √ | √ | 205 | 1478 | √ | $8. | $5. | $7. | √ | √ | √ | √ | [[see column 24 above for text]] |

Headquarters ^[[Salisbury NC]],
^[[(Supts Office Dist. W. N. Carolina)]],
^[[November 30]], 1865.

[[signature]] Clinton A. Cilley [[/signature]]
^[[B Col. & AAS Vols]]
[[strikethrough]] Commanding. [[/strikethrough]]

NOTE I. - In the Column of Remarks, give all facts of interest or importance in relation to the Freedmen, and the practical workings of the Bureau, particularly in relation to the Contract System, whether there is an increasing desire on the part of Freedmen to obtain work, or the contrary, temper of the people in reference to Freedmen, &c., &c.

NOTE II. - This report will be made by District Commanders on the 14th and 28th of each month, from the last report of Stations received at that date.  It will be sent from each Station or Freedmen's Camp by the officer in charge thereof, in season for the District Report to be made out as directed above.  The Column of Remarks, in addition to the remarks of the Officer in Charge of Station, will contain any suggestions or remarks of the District Commander.