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REPORT of Condition of Freedmen and Operations of the Freedmen's Bureau in the ^[[Southern District]] of ^[[North Carolina]] under the charge of ^[[Bt. Brig. Gen. Allan Rutherford]] , for the 15 days ending ^[[12" September]], 1866.

| 1 DATE. | 2 STATION. | 3 NAME OF PERSON IN CHARGE. | 4 No. of Men - (well.) | 5 No. of Women - (well.) | 6 No. of Children - (well.) | 7 No. of Sick in Hospital. | 8 Aggregate. | 9 Aggregate Last Report. | 10 GAIN. By Birth. | 11 GAIN. Received. | 12 LOSS. By Death. | 13 LOSS. Discharged. | 14 No. of persons for whom contracts have been made since last Report. | 15 Do Whites respect their Contracts? | 16 Do Blacks respect their Contracts? | 17 Terms on which Contracts have been made since last Report. Males. | 18 Terms on which Contracts have been made since last Report. Females. | 19 General average of Wages. | 20 REMARKS. |

| 12" Sept. 1866 | Wilmington N.C. | Lt. E. H. McQuigg | 34 | 126 | 162 |   | 322 | 320 |   | 2 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Hogan Hospital | Dr W. E. Day | 

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Bladin County | Lt. Ed. B. Northup |

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Columbus County | Lt. L. Echelberry |

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Robeson County | Lt G. W. Tipton |

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Richmond County | Lt Geo Mc Comber |

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Cumberland Co. | Capt Justin Hodge |

| " " " [[dittos for 12" Sept. 1866]] | Sampson & Duplin Co's | Capt H. H. Foster |

Headquarters ^[[So. Dist. N. C.]]
^[[12th Sept]], 1866.

[[signature]] Allan Rutherford [[/signature]]
^[[Lt Col. V. R. C. (Bt Brig. Gen. U. S. V.)]]
Supt. ^[[So.]] District.

This Report to be forwarded to the Assistant Adjutant General Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, at Raleigh, N. C., by Superintendents of Districts, punctually on the 12th and 27th of each month.

In the column of Remarks will be embraced any information relative to the condition of Freedmen and their treatment by the Whites, not called out by the headings of this Report.