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and explaining the confusion of popular names, and 13 artistic groups, in separate cases, showing, with appropriate natural accessories, species of remarkable or interesting habits, as follows :-

1. Passenger Pigeons, feeding }
2. Carolina Paroquets,   " [[ditto for: feeding]] }  Nearly extinct species.
3. Ivory-billed Woodpeckers }
4. Carolina Paroquets, roosting
5. California Woodpeckers and their store-house
6. American Flamingoes and their nests
7. Prairie Chickens, courting
8. Mexican Jacanas, walking on lily-pads
9. Satin Bower Birds and their play-house
10. Crocodile Birds and Crocodile
11. Ptarmigans in summer plumage } To show
12. Ptarmigans in winter plumage } protective coloration