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^[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] H. P. Atwater, [[/underlined]] Texas (through Capt C. E. Bendire). — 5 specimens, male, and female and young, of an undescribed species of Prairie Hen ([[underlined]] Tympanuchus attwateri [[/underlined]] Bendire sp. nov.) from Texas. (Gift.)

^[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] James Bell, [[/underlined]] Gainesville, Florida. — A specimen of the Florida Wild Turkey ([[underlined]] Meleagris gallopavo osceola [[/underlined]]) from Gainesville, Florida. (Gift.)

^[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] Lattin & Co. [[/underlined]], Albion, New York, (through Capt C. E. Bendire) 2 specimens, male and female, of the Magathan Yellow-throat ([[underlined]] Geothlypis poliocephala? [[/underlined]]) from Beeville, Texas. (Gift.)