Viewing page 6 of 23

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[[underlined]] Oct. [[/underlined]] 22.
[[underlined]] Up Rogue R. to [[Skochkenhorse?]]
[[underlined]] Oct. 23 [[/underlined]] Up Rogue R. Mts. 3484

. Pseudotsuga  0 - 3480 [[cross symbol]]
. Arbutus menziesii  0 - 2000 SW
. Acer macrophyttum  0 - " " [[dittos for: 2000 SW]]
. " [[ditto for: Acer]] circinatum  " [[ditto for: 0]] - " " [[dittos for: 2000 SW]]
. Umbellularia  " [[ditto for: 0]] = 1000?
. Quercus garryana  " [[ditto for: 0]] - 2500, S.
. " [[ditto for: Quercus]] dendriflora  " [[ditto for: 0]] - 3480
. " [[ditto for: Quercus]] chrysolepis  3000 - 3400
. Alnus oregana  0 - 3000
. Populus trichocarpa  along R. 
. Salix scouleriana  " [[ditto for: along R.]]
. " [[ditto for: Salix]] sitchensis ?  " [[ditto for: along R.]]
. " [[ditto for: Salix]] yellow  " [[ditto for: along R.]]
. " [[ditto for: Salix]] narrow gray leaf  
. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus ? - 1500
. Rhamnas purshiana  0 - 3000
. Holodiscus dumosa 0 - 3000
. Carylus  " [[ditto for: 0]] - 3400
. Arctostaphylus tomentosa  - 1000 - 3400 SW
. Arctostaphylus manzanita 2500 - 3400 " [[ditto for: SW]]
. Vaccineum ovatum  a little at 500 NE.
. " [[ditto for: Vaccineum]] parvifolium  3000 - 3400 NE.
. Lonicera subspicata ? 0 - 1000
. Rubus parvifolius
. " [[ditto for: Rubus]] spectabilis
" [[ditto for: Rubus]] vine
" [[ditto for: Rubus]] leucoderma
. Gaultheria shallon,  NE 2500 - 3400
. Castenopsis  SW 2500 - 3000.

Transcription Notes:
Acer macrophyttum likely to = Acer macrophyllum confirmed plant names - @meg_shuler