Viewing page 10 of 23

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

. Lupinus littoralis  along shore
. Fragaria sempervirens  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Empetrum nigrum  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Juniperus procumbens  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Abronia latifolia  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. [[strikethrough]] Ipomea [[/strikethrough]] Convolvulus soldanella " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. [[strikethrough]] Ambrosia [[/strikethrough]] Gaertneria chamissonis " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Phaselia  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Plantago  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. " [[ditto for: Plantago]]  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Seniceo  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Erigeron  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
Sisyrinchium  " [[ditto for: along shore]]
. Polygonum paronychia  " [[ditto for: along shore]]

Rhododendron  4-18
Ceanothus thyrsiflrus? 0-18+
" [[ditto for: Ceanothus]] velutinus  9-16
" [[ditto for: Ceanothus]] vine  16-18
Holodiscus  4-
Sambucus  com all along
Ribes  big leaf, 5
" [[ditto for: Ribes]] irregum  16-18
Lonicera eubspicata?

Glaucidium gnoma, 1

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Crescent City, [[/underlined]] Oct. 30 to Nov 4.

. Larus occidintalis  abn
. " [[ditto for: Larus]]  small  com
. Phalecrocorax  " [[ditto for: com]]
. Oidema deglandi " [[ditto for: com]]
. Ayathya nareca, seen dead.
. " [[ditto for: Ayathya]] americana , ^ [[insertion]] 0 seen [[/insertion]] said to be here
. Gadwell  " [[ditto for: said to be here]]
. Mallard  " [[ditto for: said to be here]]
. Canvas back  " [[ditto for: said to be here]]
. [[strikethrough]] Oidema [[/strikethrough]] Widgen  com
. Phalropus  gray,  abn
. Oxyechus  com
. Falco sparverius  1
. Corvus corax  5
. " [[ditto for: Corvus]] caurinus  3
Cyanocitta  com
. Scalecophagus  " [[ditto for: com]]
. Sturnella  " [[ditto for: com]]
. Colaptes  1
. Zonotrichia  com
. Melospiza  " [[ditto for: com]]
Olbeoarchilus  " [[ditto for: com]]
Anthus  " [[ditto for: com]]
Parus  heard
. Rissa t. pollicaris  abn
. Gallinago delicata  com
. Podolimbus podiceps  3
. Colimbus holboeli  1
. " [[ditto for: Colimbus]] californius  1
. Fulica   a few
. Ring neck duck 1
. Ruddy duck [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] 1 [[image - sketch of a bird on water]]
. Buffle head 1
. Aix sponsa 1  said to be com.

Transcription Notes:
Agreed with Gaertneria chamissonis so taken out of brackets. Also taken Phaselia out as agree with transcription. Think Vernon likely means Phacelia. Corrected "and" to said at the end of last page -@siobhanleachman