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[underlined]] 1909 
July 9 [[/underlined]] Left Washington on B&O train for Chicago & northwest.
Found the big laurel, Kalmia glauca? in flower over west of Deer Park.

[[underlined]] July 9 [[/underlined], Reached Chicago at 9:30 am
in 19 hours, Left at 6:30
P.M. on Wisconsin Central.

[[underlined]] July 11 [[/underlined], Crossed the Miss. R. at sunrise, thence north among hills & big ridges to [[strikethrough]]Glevwood]] [[/strikethrough]] Glenwood & beyond to New Richmond
there is much scrub pine
(P.     ) some old white pine
and lots of old big white pine
stumps.  There is lots of aspen
white birch & alder on flat
ground & north slopes and some on open ridges.

  At New Richmond a small river brings
in lots of pine logs for the west
to supply big lumber mills.
From here we go out on high open prairie.

Transcription Notes: