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[[underline]] pinus strobis [[/underline]] -Abundant from Little Falls, Minn. to Staples & Verndale and scattered along to Modena.

Numerous big old stumps show where heavy pine forest has been cut from Little Falls to Staples.

[[underline]] Pinus resinosa [[/underline]] - Common from Little Falls to Staples & same to [[strikethrough]] mo [[/strikethrough]] Verndale.

Pinus virginiana? Abundant on dry ridges from Verndale to Madena

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fields of corn & good ripening wheat. Still about half the country is flat & cold & straight Canadian zone to New York Mills. Between NY Mills & Perham, the timber mostly stops & big prairie begins with farms & good crops, good oats & rye & ripening wheat, one field of buckwheat some potatoes & a little scrubby corn.

At Frazer timber begins again among many lakes and extends most of the way to Detroit and beyond to 4 or 5 miles but is mainly Transition zone species, bur oak, elms, ash, ironwood, boxelder, basswood & cherry, with hazle & sumach bushes. Populus grandidentata is commmon & tremuloides is mainly around edge of swamps & marshes. Tamarack & spruces grow in swamps.

Grain, potatoes & fairly good corn are raised. The land is ridged and dry.

From 5 mi. W. of Detroit it is all big prairie to Fargo, with only a few creeks or gulches with bur oaks, box elder, ash, & elm.