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[[underlined]] To Bottineau [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 15 [[/underlined]]. Tramped over the country at Leeds most of forenoon & found the same old set of plants except [[underlined]] Amorpha canescens [[/underlined]] which has disappeared. Good crop of grain & flax. A cold night but no frost.

Left Leeds at 2:12 P.M. & reached Bottineau at 4:30.

Tramped over prairie & along creek & found the same set of plants as at Jamestown & all  along except Amorpha canescens.

Along creek found also lots of ash & boxelder & willow trees, and a few elms &  Populus balsamifera. A few aspens in the yard may have been set out. Populus fremonti does well in town and about ranches but is probably not native.