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[[underlined]] To Lake Metigoshe in Turtle Mts. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]July 16.[[/underlined]]

Left Bottineau at 7:30 and reached the lake about 10., [[strikethrough]]14[[/strikethrough]] It is 14 miles from Bottineau and 2 miles south of the Canada line. Barometer at Bottineau 2500, on highest ridge 3050, at lake 3000. The lake is very irregular and reaches some distance – into Canada, is said to have 72 miles of shoreline.

The Turtle Mts. are mainly Canadian zone, with a slight mixture of Transition on warm slopes. They are covered with dense forest 90% of which is aspen. The next abundant tree is balsam poplar, then white birch, ash & bur oak, a few elms and such bushes as beaked hazle, Choke & pin cherry, then apple, high bush cranberry, black haw, & red ozier. The forest comes down to the lake shores all around but is full of lakes, sloughs & marshes. I can hear of no pines, spruces or tamarack.

Many farms have been cleared in the mts. and much of the timber has been cut or burned off, but it comes up quickly & very dense.

Transcription Notes:
hazle = hazel