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[[underlined]] Bismarck [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] July 19 [[/underlined]]. Wrote reports all day Tried to see Gov. Burke & Sec of State Blaisdell to get collecting permits but both were out of town.

[[underlined]] July 20 [[/underlined]]. Worked on reports & in P.M. went after cottontails down on flats, Found a lot of good birds, but got no rabbits. Tyrannus verticalis and chats & spiza, show a trace of Sonoran as do a very few plants, Bobolinks, dickcissels, & oven bird show [[strikethrough]] eastern [[/strikethrough]] extensions westward to the magpie country.

The river is high. Many bottom land sloughs and channels are full of water and mosquitos swarm in all brushy or timbered places. Even on the meadows and in town they are pretty bad and only on the wind swept prairie are they absent.

The river bluffs are not farmed much, but the valleys & bottoms about Bismarck raise good crops. The prairie grass is thick and good grazing on the steepest hills.