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which the N.P. RR is building a line up to Mannhaven & beyond. Crops are good and especially the corn which is large and thrifty. Stock raising has been the important industry west of the river on account of distance from market. Now it will change to grain raising.

The bulk of timber is cottonwood, mixed with willows & bullberry. Then ash & boxelder along the edges, a few elms & bur oaks, with wild plum, chokecherry & [[auclaudius?]] thickets. On some steep N.E. slopes where snow must drift to great depths aspen thickets crowd out all else. There could hardly be a better example of adaptation to zonal conditions than these Canadian thickets at the lower edge of Transition and by the side of Upper Sonoran plants on hot slopes or sandy places.

[[underlined]] Upper Sonoran [[/underlined]] traces are shown by abundance of Orygopsis paniculatum & Andropoqon on sandy ground,