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[[underlined]] Washburn N.D. [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Cervus canadensis [[/underlined]] old elk horns are found along the river flats

[[underlined]] Odocoileus macrourus [[/underlined]], White tailed deer are common along the dense bottoms. 8 were brought in on one load last fall.

[[underlined]] O. hemionus [[/underlined]], ?

[[underlined]] Cynomys ludovicanus [[/underlined]] Said to be a dog town near Mannhaven.

[[underlined]] Citellis richardsoni [[/underlined]] Common.

[[underlined]] " [[ditto for: Citillis]] Blineatus   [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Common.]]

[[underlined]] Thomomys talpoides [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Common.]]

[[underlined]] Lepus [[?]] [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Common.]]

[[underlined]] " campestris [[ditto for: Lepus]]   [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Common.]]

[[underlined]] [[?]]  [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Common.]]

[[underlined]] Castor [[/underlined]], said to be some in river & lake & a good many caught in creeks. 8 caught last fall in Sweet Briar Cr.

[[underlined]] Erithigon [[/underlined]] A few live along river.

[[underlined]] Taxidea [[/underlined]] Common

[[underlined]] Canis nebrascensis [[/underlined]] " [[ditto for: Common]]

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Opuntia missouriensis, Yucca glauca, Rhus aromatica, Eurotia lanata, and Atriplex nuttallii, on warm slopes, By the Chat in the bottoms and Chondestes in the open. But all together these are scattered [[and/or symbols? & o ? ]] were trace. The bulk of species and individuals are Transition.

[[underlined]] July 23 [[/underlined]]. Sent Streeter to traps on west side of river and I went down the flats on east side nearly to Painted Wood Lake. Added a few species of birds and plants to list. Found the flats covered with timber, brush & mosquitos. Service berries are ripe in enormous quantities on the flats. Crows & many other birds seem to be feeding on them. Found a good place along Turtle Creek for Streeter to trap.

[[underlined]] July 24 [[/underlined]]. packed up & wrote reports & took 2 P.M. train for Bismarck. Found no Sunday train out to south so have to remain til Monday.

Transcription Notes:
Citellis = Citellus