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[[underlined]] Linton [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] July 27 [[/underlined]]. At Linton the Beaver Cr. valley is rich and well formed with steep buttes along the side where the valley has cut down through sandstone & gumbo formation. The top of the hills & high prairie is stony & the soil often thin & poor. The whole country is prairie except for a strip of low timber along Beaver Cr. This is groves and thickets of Boxelder, green ash, elm, chokecherry, Service berry, willows, cornus, and a few scattered bur oaks. A grove of Aspens grows on a steep NE bank Where snow probably piles deep, swept over the miles of prairie. The bank is almost sheer, about 80 feet high in a NE. semicircle.

The river is deep & slow & crooked with high brushy banks, an ideal beaver stream where beaver could do no damage if they were present in hundreds now.