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[[underline]] To Mobridge [[/underlined]].

[[underlined]] July 28 [[/underlined]] Took 8:20 A.M. train west & reached Mobridge on the Mo. R. at 10:45 A.M. Continued over level prairie most of way to river hills, a row of stony ridges where we begin to descend to river valley. Followed down a crooked creek valley and came out onto upper bench of valley on which Mobridge stands. Tramped over the prairie till noon & in P.M. went down along the river and across ferry and over buttes on west side. Got good lists of birds & plants. 

[[underlined]] Zones [[/underlined]]
There is a strong element of Upper Sonoran, but mixed with about an equal amount of transition. Most of the prairie transition zone plants have disappeared or become scarce, their places being taken by neutral grasses or Upper Sonoran species. Still they occur on wet bottoms or cold slopes of ridges, and are scattered on open slopes. An average of zone factors must be based on abundance of individuals as well as species.