Viewing page 24 of 92

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[[double underlined]] Mobridge [[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]] Upper Sonoran Plants [[/underlined]]

Ribes aureum,  common along R., berries ripe, black. 
Rhus trilobata,   "[[ditto for common]] along river
Amorpha fruticosa " " "[[ditto for common along river]]
Dalea 'plumosa'   "[[ditto for common]] on flats & warm slopes.
Artemisia cana    "[[ditto for common]]  on west side of R.
   "[[ditto for Artemisia]] lud.  - narrow leaf, Abundant all over.
Linnea  , little yellow, Common. 
[[Chrysoeorea?]] spec ,   "[[ditto for Common.]]
Cleome integrifolia ,     "[[ditto for Common.]]
Euphorbia marginata ,     "[[ditto for Common.]]
  "[[ditto for Euphorbia]] little,   "[[ditto for Common.]]
Salix         , narrow leaf, abu. along R.
"[[ditto for Salix]] nigra , "    "     "[[ditto for abu. along R.]]
Pentstemon perfoliata, Com. on sand
Plantago patagonica,   "       "[[ditto for Com. on sand]]
Solanum rostratum ,    "       "[[ditto for Com. on sand]]
Physalis pubescens? [[strikethrough]]husk [[/strikethrough]],   "     "[[ditto for Com. on sand]]
Oryzopsis [[panuculatum?]],    "     "[[ditto for Com. on sand]]
Mentzelia       big, Com. along river.
"Nyctigenia" spec.  a little
Grama    little,    "[[ditto for a little]]
  "[[ditto for Grama]]  big,      abun
Andropogon     big.       "[[ditto for abun]]
"[[ditto for Andropogon]] smaller,   "[[ditto for abun]]
"Lactuca"?            leafy,    com.
Lygodesmia juncea     leafless,  "[[ditto for com.]]

[[insertion, via arrow drawn to point here from bottom of right page to include two more species in the list at this point]]
Opuntia missiouriensis, common along R.
Mammillaria viviparia,  a few    "[[ditto for along R.]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[double underlined]] Mobridge [[/double underlined]]
[[underlined]] Transition zone plants. [[/underlined]]

Symphorocarpos      a little on flats in cold spots.
Rosa        , praire rose,     " " "[[ditto for a little on flats in cold spots]]
Amorpha canescens,             " " "[[ditto for a little on flats in sold spots]]
Psoralea argophylla, about 1/4 as common as on prarie. 
Petalastemum violacea,  scarce
    "[[ditto for Petalastemum]] candida ,           "[[ditto for scarce]]   on cold slopes
Artemisia frigida  ,  a little on cold slopes west of river.
    "[[ditto for Artemisia]] ludo. wide leaf, a little on river flats in shade.
Malvastrum [[maurodum?]],    Common.
Solidago     wide leaf        "[[ditto for Common.]]
  "[[ditto for Solidago]]  narrow leaf,  Scarce.
Gaura                     Common.
Amorpha parvifolia,  com. on NE slopes.
Salix cordata,      Com. along R.
"Zinnia"           , Scarce 

Transcription Notes:
Chrysoeorea? = Chrysaora, possibly.