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head about 15 miles long and 2 to 5 miles wide between the timbered margins. A nice little creek runs through the meadow and a few log cabins ranches and miners cabins are scattered along the valley. Some hay is being cut and I saw a field of rye not yet ripe. The valley slopes to the north almost imperceptibly and is a glacial trough, not [[und?]] [[modified?]]. It is pure canadian zone tho not marked by conspicuous plants. The timber along the sides has been burnt and cut [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but a poor stand of lodgpole pine, spruce & aspens borders the valley.

The summit is reached at the southern end of this valley park & then we go quickly down to Butte, in a great valley of utter desolation & barrenness. A few old stumps are the only signs of vegetation & the ground has been worked & dug and torn up past recognition & then blackened by smoke of smelters & mines & mills.

From the contour lines I map the valley as Transition zone but it doesn't matter.